It's no secret to anyone that has walked past, let alone dined with me, that I LOVE FOOD. In fact I consider eating as a hobby. I plan my days around my meals and genuinely enjoy my food... it isnt nourishment so much as an experience.. Like going to the movies (they have food there too) or a baseball game (mmm...hot dogs).
Depending on the day, sometimes I can conjure up my inner Kate Moss by repeating the mantra over and again, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.." (you get the gist) Sometimes, I try to get my fellow lady friends (and some gentlemen folk) to join in, however, I usually am greeted with crinkled foreheads/scoffs/rolled eyes/mouths wide open as if to say this really can't be happening...
Anyways, point being: I am hungry

Oh yes, I do remember you sneaking food during Ramadan at school :)