Because I know you need to understand how pure genius (*thumbs pointing back to myself) operates, I figured I let you have an inside peak, a place where cameras have never been: My brain!

Hold the applause and no need to thank me..
Really, I love all two of you!
Google Image Search :: “Mariah Carey as a Baby”::

Because I can’t go for a drive on a lunch break with her ::

** @NataliaBrutalia. She has a blog :: iheartkittenz.blogspot.com
(She is cooler than I am *sigh. How come when I get a photo taken of me, I look like an awkward leprechaun with a stretched face? Maybe someday.. **sighing again)
Without singing** this ::
**Like super loud....people-are-staring-at-us-and-either-scowling-or-smiling-or-singing-along-with-us!!
"Winnie Cooper"::

“Change is never easy. You fight to hold on. You fight to let go.” - Wonder Years
"Drunk Star Wars"::
"robot love"::

"Tape faces"::

“Polar Bears are cute”::


"Pinatas for my KRAZY fiesta partay"::

*It kinda looks like the lipstick pinata is going up the bum-bum...*covering mouth and giggling (tee hee)

I googled "Pilgrim Gangster" and this showed up ::

*I don't get it either
"Smurfette is popular"::

I loved Smurfs! When I was a kid. I had the sleeping bag, ate their cereal, and was petrified of Gargamel ::

I had a girl crush on Smurfette. I liked her hair a lot::

ex oh, ex oh...
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