Every year on this Sunday of June dedicated to the fathers in our country, I am busy preparing my dedication slash declaration of ultimate appreciation to my mommy. With class, grace and an iron fist, she has done it all! She covered the dual roles while working full time in a country where she did not speak the language and in a state that had no Persian population, she put herself through college while trucking me along while never allowing her beauty routine to become compromised. She's my super-dad slash super-mom!
We are a generation (of men) being raised by single women*... My mommy was the mommy slash daddy hybrid in my home and and how very fortunate I've been to be a product of the unorthodox-now-considered-the-norm household!
My mom is the best dad anyone could ever have!
exes and ohs!
* Fight Club Quote
that brought tears to my eyes!!!!! luckily i haven't partaken in my beauty routine yet so as no smearing has occured :-)))