I held on as tightly as you held onto me
** watch in HD full screen. you can thank me later. **
There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills...
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust...
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home...
Cause, I built a home
for you
for me
Until it disappeared
from me
from you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust...
Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the color of green
Ground had arose and passed it's knees
By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
I held on as tightly as you held onto me...
Cause, I built a home
for you
for me
Until it disappeared
from me
from you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust...
* This video was created by Colin Rich and almost had my eyes leaking tears. As much as I have struggled living in this city that feels make believe, I dont know exactly what it is but there is something incredible about it. Mr. Rich has done an excellent job of capturing what exactly that is.
still here
So... obviously I have been slightly m.i.a. and if anything it's for the simple fact that where the hell does the time go?! I can not account for the last six months of my life although I know its been active..... I just haven't had a whole lot to say these days.
I did my Sunday morning ritual with yoga and a good coffee and practiced my piano chords- don't worry, you're all invited to my recital! I'll be the tall one hovering over the 20 or so 6-12 year old kids..
I am also really into dream catchers these days.. Anyone know how to make these bad boys?
look how cool these look!

Cheers loves!
I did my Sunday morning ritual with yoga and a good coffee and practiced my piano chords- don't worry, you're all invited to my recital! I'll be the tall one hovering over the 20 or so 6-12 year old kids..
I am also really into dream catchers these days.. Anyone know how to make these bad boys?
look how cool these look!

Cheers loves!
ain't gonna pee pee my bed tonight
here's a collection of funny laugh yer arse off videos to get you through to the weekend.... just don't pee pee in yer bed tonight
blame it on my wild heart
Sometimes, the best things ever are created when no one is around... and every once in a while, someone may be lurking around the corner (in a non-creepy kind of way...or creepy... whatever you prefer) just at the right moment to capture it.
I'm glad this was captured... it is by far one of my most favorite things. Ever.
I'm glad this was captured... it is by far one of my most favorite things. Ever.
miss piggy, you dirty dirty muppet
In all my life and all my video since the honey badger has made me swoon like this one...

I am a HUUUUUUUUUGE muppets fan. Every time I'm sick I watch Muppets Take Manhattan, I have the Fraggle Rock Boxed set, I met Big Bird once and kept his autograph (eventually got it framed... as an adult), and would probably fan out so hard (i.e blush, cry, maybe even pass out) if I was ever fortunate to go and meet Snuffleupagus (who has the prettiest eyelashes in the business)!!!
Well, I'm in a muppets mood so here is an homage to that!!!
Check the TUMBLR site for more muppsexicousness...

I am a HUUUUUUUUUGE muppets fan. Every time I'm sick I watch Muppets Take Manhattan, I have the Fraggle Rock Boxed set, I met Big Bird once and kept his autograph (eventually got it framed... as an adult), and would probably fan out so hard (i.e blush, cry, maybe even pass out) if I was ever fortunate to go and meet Snuffleupagus (who has the prettiest eyelashes in the business)!!!
Well, I'm in a muppets mood so here is an homage to that!!!
Check the TUMBLR site for more muppsexicousness...
in a galaxy far far away
Star Wars Begins, a new 14-part fan-made documentary, available free on YouTube.
The 1977 movie is reconstructed in full, using lost footage, alternate takes of scenes, and narration taken from audio recordings of interviews with actors and behind-the-scenes crew.
Skipping around the ten-minute clips, you'll find gems like an alternate Cantina sequence, featuring a gorier bar brawl (not only does that drunk alien lose his arm to a lightsaber, but his head goes, too).
All that, and Han gets some action from a female patron.
Despite the geekier material, it's a fascinating look behind the scenes of a very risky Hollywood production — especially when studio execs demand that scenes of Luke and his friends are cut for being "too much like American Graffiti in space."
Watch it now, before Darth Lucas unleashes his legion of lawyers.
*Written by The Rundown
to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die
The Dum Dum Girls are always a surprise when they show up on my iTunes playlist... I just got their EP He Gets Me High and I must confess that I have been listening to this more than the new Radiohead.... eek! It's good. Take a listen and if you like, I'll send you a copy!
wrong feels right ::
there is a light that never goes out ::
take care of my baby ::
wrong feels right ::
there is a light that never goes out ::
take care of my baby ::
i need an escape

I think I need to go somewhere...escape a while. See if I even miss this place. I don't really think it misses me when I'm gone. And that's ok. I just don't/can't/won't put my heart into anything/anyone that doesn't return at least a little bit of the same regard. I find her a bit mundane and almost boring filled with seekers. bleh... I want out and open to suggestions!

People always say, and I am no exception, that they never want to get married, be tied down, etc etc... but what I think the real problem is that we are too scared of missing out (on what, we're not so sure), being held back, and the obvious choice, risk the devastation that is heartbreak.
At the end of the day, isn't that part of what life is about? Sharing our experiences with another? Learning to think of someone else besides ourselves? Getting your heart ripped out of your chest, getting/learning to build it/yourself strong again on your own only to mend it again when it gets ripped out the next time part...

Honestly, is there anything better/more awful than loving someone so much that they have the power to do such wonderful/horrible things and all we can do is give as good as we want in return and hope/trust that they won't disappoint.
with my heart laid on the ground just looking for you
As I have said numerous times, TVZ is THE most underrated musician. His voice conjures so many different images I don't even know nor care to start explaining. Just watch this. If you hate it then we'd probably not be friends anyways.

This is Andres and Matthew. They have been together 10 years and married for two. In the 6 years that I have known them, I have had the great pleasure to watch them evolve both as individuals and as a pair. I have never seen two people together as long as they have been, that still dig each other and consider the other the way these two do.
Their raw candid honesty, respect, and affection for one another is unmatched and one to be admired. They have set the bar for what a good relationship should look like and I am so lucky to have been able to witness this.

I dedicate this Valentine's Day to Matthew Schwartz and Andres Rigal. I love you guys wholly and wanted to send my thanks for letting me be part of your lives.
x's and oh's
my heart is a lollipop

This band/song/album had really pulled on my heartstrings from the moment I heard it. Although, it conjures different feelings now, this one song in particular gives me a lump in my throat. MUST STOP LISTENING YET CAN'T STOP LISTENING!
The band is called Lovers.
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